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What is a Major Site?

Major site refers to the TOP class among the indiscriminately distributed Toto sites , private Toto , sports Toto, mini game sites, casino sites, and playgrounds. In the gambling industry, famous companies that anyone can recognize just by hearing their name are called major sites, so many Toto sites try to make their names known through promotions. However, simple promotion alone is not enough to become a top class site. If you consider member satisfaction, dividends, events, quick repayment, etc., you need to pay attention to every little element to spread word of mouth, increase users, and become a major site. It is important to remember that becoming a major site is not just about financial power. Toto Danawa, which is called a major site, is made only through very strict verification by considering each of the small factors mentioned above.

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Sports Toto
safe site
Major verification
Safety Major Site Ranking

Private Toto


Reasons for recommending major sites

Choosing a major site is the first step to a safe and enjoyable online betting experience. It is important to find a trustworthy site, and if a scam occurs while using a regular Toto site, there is a risk of being devastated not only financially but also mentally.

Precautions when using major sites


Carefully check the site’s regulations and events

There are many cases where problems arise due to conflicts with the customer center without properly checking the rules and events after signing up.

Set betting limits and manage yourself

Since major sites have high limits, it is necessary to control the amount.



Account transaction prohibited

If you transfer your account to another person or place proxy bets, you will be subject to strong sanctions.

메이저사이트 추천

Toto scam verification

Major site verification

Major playground

Eat and Run Verification

scam site

Major site Q&A

Is there a risk of fraud on major sites?

Among those who use major sites, there are many who have the question,Can scams occur on major sites as well?

Major sites are generally highly reliable and used by many users. However, unfortunately, even for major sites, the risk of fraud cannot be completely ruled out. The main causes of scams on major sites are diverse, including unscrupulous behavior by site operators, hacking from outside, and system errors. That's why users should always be careful. It is important for users to carefully check the reliability of the site themselves and take steps to ensure safe use. To minimize the risk of fraud, you should always select and use sites carefully.

Major site events

Major site bonus

What is ‘free money’?!

1. What is free money?

'Free money' is a term derived from the pure Korean word meaning 'free money' (Major Site Bonuses), and refers to a free bonus that users can use without any specific conditions. It is mainly provided in the form of sign-up bonuses, event bonuses, referral bonuses, etc., and can be used like real money.

2. How to use free money

Experience provision: You can experience the site's functions or games. This allows us to understand the site's service quality or user experience in advance.

Participating in events: Some sites allow you to participate in certain events using only free money.

Sign up for major site

I can't sign up for a major site!

1. Reasons why it is difficult to join major sites

The reason why it is difficult to sign up for major sites is that most sites require a thorough authentication process for security reasons. Since it is possible to operate stably enough just by retaining existing members, you must go through this authentication process, and although it may be inconvenient, it is something you have to endure in order to use the major site safely.

2. Major Site Black

If you are rejected for joining a major site, you should be considered black-registered to the major site. In this case, you must request blacklist removal or go through additional authentication procedures. If you are experiencing difficulties due to continued rejection of your subscription to major sites, please contact the Toto Danawa 24 Customer Center and we will assist you in signing up to major sites. Once registered with Major Site Black, it is difficult to sign up on your own.

스포츠 전술

Toto Danawa

Toto site address collection

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Confirmation of report

members’ precious

through tip-off

​Get information

Site Verification

Obtained through tip-off

Toto site

​Visit in person

Check for site fraud

Site scam operation details

​Confirmation work and

Check other reports

Post a confirmed scam

After step-by-step review

Post your confirmation

Afterwards, go to the scam Toto site.

Take measures to prevent damage from


Major site

Totodanawa verifies.

Verified as a major site

What you do n't do is

Absolutely not.


Scam site verification

Verification of scam sites

without any financial demands

Verify fairly and fairly

​It's in progress.


Toto site

Toto site

Among the numerous Toto sites

If you don't know where to choose

From Toto Danawa, which has been verified

​Please check.


safe playground

safe playground

Safe Playground is a safe Toto site and

It is the same and you can rest assured at any time.

Sites you can use


Safe Toto Site

Verified and has no history of fraud

Only clean and safe Toto sites

​If you're looking for it, it's here.

​Click on Safe Toto Site


Powerball site

Powerball site

Released by Donghaeng Lottery

Mainly playing Powerball game

This is Toto site.

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